Boise Pride Pages
Boise's LGBTQ+ Business Directory
Boise's Inclusive Yellow Pages
Boise Metro Directory of LGBTQ+ business owners and allies who serve the gay, lesbian, transgender, nonbinary, bisexual + communities. Creating affirming and safe spaces for the LGBTQ+ community, one business at a time.
Churches & Spiritual Worship that are LGBTQ Affirming
LGBTQ+ Open and Affirming Churches and Spiritual venues in Boise, Idaho.
Gay, Lesbian, Transgender, Non-Binary, Queer, and all LGBTQ+ Wedding Services
Southminster Presbyterian Church
Southminster affirms and celebrates the worth and dignity of all people.
6500 W Overland Rd. Boise, ID, 83709
Phone: 208-375-5330 Email:
First Presbyterian Church
OFFERING ASL Interpreter
(starting November 17)
We are an inclusive community in downtown Boise expressing God's love, being disciples, and feeding God's children around the corner and around the world.
950 W State St Boise ID 83702
Phone: (208) 345-3441
Whitney United Methodist Church
We, the Whitney United Methodist Church, declare that all persons are welcome to attend, join, and participate fully in the life of our congregation regardless of age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic condition, marital status, and mental or physical ability.
3315 W. Overland Road, Boise, ID 83705
Phone: (208) 343-2892
Boise First Congregational UCC
(United Church of Christ)
United in Christ's Love - A Just World For ALL
2201 Woodlawn Ave., Boise, ID Phone: 208-344-5731
Cathedral of the Rockies -
Boise First United Methodist
Welcome! Our church is a diverse fellowship of believers.
Downtown Campus
717 N. 11th st, Boise, ID
Phone: 208-343-7511 email:
AMITY Campus
4464 S. Maple Grove Rd, Boise ID
All Saints Episcopal Church
At the heart of our faith is love and we want to share that with you.
704 S Latah St, Boise, ID in Central Bench.
Hyde Park Mennonite Fellowship
All are welcome to join us in our work and worship, promoting peace and justice for all people and for creation.
1520 N. 12th St.
Boise Affirmation Mormon Support Group
Affirmation is a social, support and advocacy group for LGBTQI and
Allies (Former and Current)
National Support - Phone: 708-733-9590
Local Support - 208-342-8678
First Christian Church
J. Stephen Perotti (He/Him)
We seek and shelter spiritual refugees, rally health for all who come, and fortify every tender soul with the strength to follow. Jesus into a life of world-changing service.
619 12th Ave. South, Nampa, ID, 83651
A note from Pastor J. Stephen Perotti
"Simply put, we are all God's children. The ministry of Jesus is quite clear; Jesus has a heart for those who are marginalized, denigrated, and cast-off. Because of the pain the church has caused through the centuries in deeming who is worthy or unworthy, taking God's Word and reducing it to fit a Savior and a God that fits into a box the church sanctions, it's well past time for that box to be broken asunder and God's children to be free to be who they believe God has called them to be! The church must be that place of sanctuary for the spiritual refugee in our society who feels shunned because of race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity or belief."
Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Living Christ's all-inclusive Love! A church where everyone has a voice and self-expression is encouraged.
6200 N. Garrett, Garden City, ID 83714 Phone: 208-658-1710
Liberating Spirit MCC
Living Christ's all-inclusive Love! A church where everyone has a voice and self-expression is encouraged.
1088 N Orchard, Boise, ID Phone: 208-343-0292
Center for Spiritual Living
Many Paths...One God! A spiritual community that celebrates the inherent wholeness in each person. Science of the Mind Teachings
10464 West Garverdale Ct., Boise, ID Phone: 208-375-0751
Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel (Synagogue)
A progressive synagogue dedicated to Torah (lifelong learning), Avodah(spiritual growth), G’milut Chasadim (acts of loving kindness) and Kehilah (community-building)
11 N Latha St., Boise, ID Phone: 208-343-6601
Hillview United Methodist Church
We are a Reconciling Congregation welcoming all persons into the full participation in the life of the congregation.
8525 W Ustick Rd., Boise, ID Phone: 208-375-0392