Boise Pride Pages
Boise's LGBTQ+ Business Directory
Boise's Inclusive Yellow Pages
Boise Metro Directory of LGBTQ+ business owners and allies who serve the gay, lesbian, transgender, nonbinary, bisexual + communities. Creating affirming and safe spaces for the LGBTQ+ community, one business at a time.
Marketing, Graphic Design, Computers, Technology and more.
Looking for LGBTQ-friendly professionals in digital marketing, graphic design, web development, or computer repairs? Our directory connects you with experts in Marketing Boise, graphic design, and IT services who offer inclusive, welcoming support. Whether you need custom websites, creative branding, or computer troubleshooting, find the right professionals here.
Anomalous Designs LLC
Oliver MacDonald (He/Him)
Creating Accesible Art for All
Phone: (208) 291-8058
Pride Pages
Meda Thompson (She/Her)
Pride Directory of LGBTQ+ business owners and allies. Gay Lesbian, Transgender, Non-Binary, Bisexual, +, Safe Spaces for the LGBTQ+ Community. Just like the 'Yellow Pages' only gayer!
208-576-1444 email:
Boise -
Palm Springs -